
UlissesS.r.l. unipersonale, after 40 years in the bag production industry, continues to take care sustenibily and respect for our planet. The society takes an effort to operate in a responsible way, both the environmental ,economical and social way. Our products can be certified by FSC and PEFC, continuing to guarantee the quality of the products in every whichway.

Our products are available as FSC® certified on request.

FSC® (SINCE 2011)

FSC® certification guarantees that the product bearing the FSC® label comes from a responsibly managed forest and supply chain. It is an international, independent, third-party certification specifically for the forest sector and wood and non-wood products derived from forests.

As a company in the paper products industry, we understand the importance of being responsibly informed about the origin of the raw material, the fibre used and that the wood or fibre is produced in a sustainable way. The Chain of Custody (CoC) indicates the path of raw materials collected from an FSC® certified source through production, processing, distribution and printing, until the final product is ready for sale to the end consumer.


The FSC MIX® label indicates that the wood or paper within the product comes from FSC® certified material, recycled material and/or controlled wood (not less than 70% certified and/or recycled material).
Controlled wood cannot:

  • illegally harvested, harvested in violation of traditional rights and indigenous peoples’ rights
  • harvested from forests where high conservation values (HCV) are threatened
  • harvested from forests that are converted to plantations or non-forestry use;
  • harvested in forests where genetically modified trees are planted

The FSC MIX® mark on the products proves that the wood comes from FSC®-certified well-managed forests, company-controlled sources and/or recycled material.

PEFC® (SINCE 2021)

PEFC® – Programme for the Mutual Recognition of Forest Certification Schemes – is a global alliance of national forest certification systems for the promotion of responsible and active forest management.

We care about our forests, and PEFC certification manages the monitoring of a number of key points:

  • Maintenance and appropriate development of forest resources and their contribution to the global carbon cycle;
  • Maintaining the health and vitality of the forest ecosystem;
  • Maintenance and promotion of the productive functions of forests (wood and non-wood products);
  • Maintenance, conservation and adequate development of biological diversity in forest ecosystems;
  • Maintenance and adequate development of protective functions in forest management (especially soil and water);
  • Maintenance of other socio-economic functions and conditions.


RPET, or recycled polyethylene tetrafolate, is the new green choice for reusable bags.

RPET, or recycled polyethylene tetrafolate, is the new green choice for reusable bags. Remember PET? A material used all over the world, derived from petroleum, and used in a variety of sectors, from packaging to the production of clothes. However, this revolutionary product has a huge impact on the environment as it is highly polluting. It has a very high durability: PET takes 700 years to “deteriorate”, i.e. to break into many small pieces, which are dangerous for the ecosystems where they could end up.

This is where RPET comes in: by using recycled plastic bottles, it is possible to recreate the usual type of product, reusable indefinitely.

Turning bottles into recycled plastic uses 75% less energy and water than producing PET.

Recycle, reuse and join the green!



A photovoltaic system is one of the easiest ways to produce green energy, as it does not generate any pollution.

It harnesses the sun’s energy and transforms it into usable electricity.

According to the 2014 REN21 report, renewable energies contributed 19.2% of global energy consumption(23.7% for their electricity generation).

Solar energy has many advantages as it is inexhaustible, readily available and clean. The amount of solar energy reaching the earth’s surface is enormous, about ten thousand times more than all the energy used by mankind as a whole.